Tuesday 11/07/2023
May my children feel secure enough to approach You honestly with the secret struggles of their mind… for You promise to keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in You !
Isa 26:3
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May my children feel secure enough to approach You honestly with the secret struggles of their mind… for You promise to keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in You !
Isa 26:3
Help my children listen to Your word and obey it. They will show others the goodness of God for You called them out of the darkness and into Your wonderful light. 1Peter 2:8-9
May my children pray from a repentant heart. If they cherish sin in their hearts, the Lord will not listen, but when my children repent God listens and hears their voice in prayer. Psalms 66:18-19
Give my children x-ray vision … to be able to spot the goodness in every situation. Just for today, I pray my children make a conscious effort to only see the good in every person and every moment. As their grumbles transform to laughter I pray they recognize the power of gratitude … their own…
I pray my children will turn to You often throughout their day in praise and thanksgiving for the many, many blessings You have given them … their warm beds, the refreshing warmth of the sun, the warmth of my smile, and all the little surprises waiting for them as they live today. Psalms 19:13
Lord, I pray my children put all doubts aside regarding the state of their salvation. They have asked You to be their Lord and Savior through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus… and their hearts are being transformed as they work to remove sin from their lives! Once the doubt is gone, they will truly be…
When my children feel the favor, benefits, and opportunities that seem too good to be true, as if the stars have lined up and everything is too perfect… I pray they give You the glory. May they walk securely in Your favor in these moments and reject any feeling of discouragement, weariness, or exhaustion. As…
Help my children listen to Your word and obey it. They will show others the goodness of God for You called them out of the darkness and into Your wonderful light. 1Peter 2:8-9
May my children pray from a repentant heart. If they cherish sin in their hearts, the Lord will not listen, but when my children repent God listens and hears their voice in prayer. Psalms 66:18-19
Give my children x-ray vision … to be able to spot the goodness in every situation. Just for today, I pray my children make a conscious effort to only see the good in every person and every moment. As their grumbles transform to laughter I pray they recognize the power of gratitude … their own…
I pray my children will turn to You often throughout their day in praise and thanksgiving for the many, many blessings You have given them … their warm beds, the refreshing warmth of the sun, the warmth of my smile, and all the little surprises waiting for them as they live today. Psalms 19:13
Lord, I pray my children put all doubts aside regarding the state of their salvation. They have asked You to be their Lord and Savior through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus… and their hearts are being transformed as they work to remove sin from their lives! Once the doubt is gone, they will truly be…
When my children feel the favor, benefits, and opportunities that seem too good to be true, as if the stars have lined up and everything is too perfect… I pray they give You the glory. May they walk securely in Your favor in these moments and reject any feeling of discouragement, weariness, or exhaustion. As…
Help my children listen to Your word and obey it. They will show others the goodness of God for You called them out of the darkness and into Your wonderful light. 1Peter 2:8-9
May my children pray from a repentant heart. If they cherish sin in their hearts, the Lord will not listen, but when my children repent God listens and hears their voice in prayer. Psalms 66:18-19
Give my children x-ray vision … to be able to spot the goodness in every situation. Just for today, I pray my children make a conscious effort to only see the good in every person and every moment. As their grumbles transform to laughter I pray they recognize the power of gratitude … their own…
I pray my children will turn to You often throughout their day in praise and thanksgiving for the many, many blessings You have given them … their warm beds, the refreshing warmth of the sun, the warmth of my smile, and all the little surprises waiting for them as they live today. Psalms 19:13
Lord, I pray my children put all doubts aside regarding the state of their salvation. They have asked You to be their Lord and Savior through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus… and their hearts are being transformed as they work to remove sin from their lives! Once the doubt is gone, they will truly be…
When my children feel the favor, benefits, and opportunities that seem too good to be true, as if the stars have lined up and everything is too perfect… I pray they give You the glory. May they walk securely in Your favor in these moments and reject any feeling of discouragement, weariness, or exhaustion. As…