Monday 12/04/2023
Help my children do what they should so they may enjoy the personal satisfaction of having done their work well. They are responsible for their own conduct and don’t need to compare themselves to anyone else.
Gal 6:4-5
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Help my children do what they should so they may enjoy the personal satisfaction of having done their work well. They are responsible for their own conduct and don’t need to compare themselves to anyone else.
Gal 6:4-5
My children will learn to seek Your wisdom in all situations. There are many people on this earth who are out to trick them… my children will be protected from false motives as they learn to seek You. Jos 9:14
Show my children that in every story of victory there are chapters of defeat. Teach them to estimate difficulty NOT in the light of their own resources but of Yours. Give them a spirit of adventure and confidence so they won’t be hindered by the traps of the enemy. 1 Jn 4:4
Join my children to Christ’s body by his strong sinews so they are nourished and strengthened by You. Show them that the only way to receive Your strength and blessing on earth is to bind their lives to Jesus Christ. Show them that sin weakens the connection and saps their strength. Colossians 2:19
Do not let my children become discouraged by their past mistakes. It’s over! Your word says that you heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds. Open my children’s hearts so your Spirit may pour into them and get to work. Ps 147:3
Thank you for purchasing my children’s freedom with the life of Your own Son. You understand our pain because You have already faced our deepest fear and greatest loss- the loss of a child. Let us run to You for comfort when we feel overburdened by our pain. Colossians 1:14
Teach my children to pray for all people, to make their requests, plead for God’s mercy upon them, and give thanks. 1Timothy 2:1