Thursday 1/18/2024
Prepare my children to grasp the glorious future You have laid before them. Make their dreams strong and clear so they will have the vision to endure the trials and obstacles that will stand in their way.
Ps 105:19
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Prepare my children to grasp the glorious future You have laid before them. Make their dreams strong and clear so they will have the vision to endure the trials and obstacles that will stand in their way.
Ps 105:19
Let the way my children live honor and please You Lord so they will continually do good, kind things for others. All the while, they will learn to know You better and better. Col 1:10
I pray my children hear You when You speak to them … through pastors, their Bibles, nature, songs, whispers, and sometimes my voice. You speak to them throughout the day gently nudging them in the direction of Your will … may they seek You and be aware of Your constant presence. Revelation 2:29
I dedicate my house to the Lord my God as a living sacrifice in serving Him. I will stay true to the teachings of Jesus Christ and instruct my children with wisdom from God, not the natural world. As we serve You, pour out Your power over all our lives and save us from our…
Of course my children will sin, that is not the point. May they freely admit their sin so they will be forgiven and continuously cleansed from all unrighteousness. 1John 1:9
Make my children’s roots grow down into Christ and draw up nourishment from Him, so they will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth. Let their lives overflow with thanksgiving for all You have done! Colossians 2:7
Show my children that keeping score is a sign of immaturity. Show them that forgiveness is defined by their actions… and that if they truly forgive someone who offended or hurt them, their actions towards that person will communicate that fact. Rather than withdraw their spirit and retreat into a protective shell around those who…