Tuesday 9/24/2024
Give my children resiliency and a sense of humor. They are a love letter from Christ to the world… and a crabby attitude to their lives is like illegible handwriting to Christ’s love letter.
2 Co 3:3
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Give my children resiliency and a sense of humor. They are a love letter from Christ to the world… and a crabby attitude to their lives is like illegible handwriting to Christ’s love letter.
2 Co 3:3
Make my children leaders. Help them understand that the true measure ofa leader isn’t getting people to work nor getting them to work hard… it is about getting them to work together. 1Sa 7:12 Nu 11:14, Ne 4:6
Help my children grasp that Your promises apply only under covenant relationship. Let them understand that You never break Your promises … but if my children choose to break covenant with You by living in unrepentant disobedience … they have broken the covenant and ultimately their conduit in receiving Your promises. 1 Chronicles 28:9
Thank You for making my children free to run, free to dance, free to live for You! May they embrace this amazing gift and make the most of this day… it’s not over yet… the best is yet to come! Jn 8:36
As we walk through trials, our one mission is learning to rely on and trust God. Thank you for promising restoration and blessing as we practice our faith in the face of adversity. Dt 30:2-3
My children will learn to seek Your wisdom in all situations. There are many people on this earth who are out to trick them… my children will be protected from false motives as they learn to seek You. Jos 9:14
Fill my children with joy. Teach them to know that true joy comes from thankfulness and displaying gratitude through their actions. Thank You for rescuing them from the kingdom of darkness and placing them in the Kingdom of Your Son! Col 1:11-13