Sunday 11/15/2020
I am here to serve You Lord, give my children the wisdom to follow me. Though my hands are shaky and my legs are tired I am committed to your straight path where Your strength resides.
Heb 12:12
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I am here to serve You Lord, give my children the wisdom to follow me. Though my hands are shaky and my legs are tired I am committed to your straight path where Your strength resides.
Heb 12:12
My children will learn to be courageous much like they learned to walk. They will see Your outstretched arms and hear Your loving voice saying, “Come, you can do it!” Make them understand that the assurance of Your voice, Your presence is all they need to tread safely into the unknown. Deuteronomy 31:6
Use me to fill up anything that may still be missing in my children’s faith. Make their love grow and overflow for each other and to everyone else so that Christ will make their hearts strong, blameless, and holy when they stand before You on judgment day. Th 3:12-13
Equip my children with all they need for doing Your will. Produce in them, through the power of Jesus Christ all that is pleasing to You. Heb 13:20
Give my children an overcoming spirit. Turn their weakness into strength so that they may develop the kind of faith that refuses to settle for anything less than God has promised. Heb 11:34
Join my children to Christ’s body by his strong sinews so they are nourished and strengthened by You. Show them that the only way to receive Your strength and blessing on earth is to bind their lives to Jesus Christ. Show them that sin weakens the connection and saps their strength. Colossians 2:19
Prayer is more than a string of words or a list of requests; it is the act of intimacy with God. Coming into intimacy with You is the principal purpose of prayer. Let my children experience Your amazing presence through their prayers so they will know the power of keeping those lines of communication open….