Saturday 3/13/2021
Don’t let my children be discouraged by correction. Remind them that You discipline those You love, and punish those You accept as your children.
Heb 12:5-6
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Don’t let my children be discouraged by correction. Remind them that You discipline those You love, and punish those You accept as your children.
Heb 12:5-6
Show my children that in every story of victory there are chapters of defeat. Teach them to estimate difficulty NOT in the light of their own resources but of Yours. Give them a spirit of adventure and confidence so they won’t be hindered by the traps of the enemy. 1 John 4:4
As we remember the historical winds of terror brought upon our nation by enemies, let those memories serve to remind us that we are ONE nation under God. That united as one body, each taking our place to serve the needs of our fellow Americans … as well as future generations … that the enemy…
My children will learn to be courageous much like they learned to walk. They will see Your outstretched arms and hear Your loving voice saying, “Come, you can do it!” Make them understand that the assurance of Your voice, Your presence is all they need to tread safely into the unknown. Dt 31:6
Keep my children from believing the lie that the thing they desire most will bring them the happiness they so desperately crave (be it a relationship, their health, a certain possession, financial security, etc …). Teach my children that true happiness comes when they trust You for what they need, knowing if it’s right You’ll…
Lord, please reveal to my children the areas of their lives that displease You. Give them a wholesome dread of displeasing You so they will choose obedience. In doing so, they will release the power of Your blessings over their lives. Ps 25:11-14
The next time my children are offered an invitation to a pity party, their own or to that of a friend, I pray they turn it down. Let them become so filled with gratitude for all the good in their lives and may their eyesight become so sharp that they are able to point out…