Friday 5/03/2024
Focus my children. Reveal to them the purpose You have placed in their hearts so they don’t waste time and energy chasing someone else’s dream.
Pr 4:27
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Focus my children. Reveal to them the purpose You have placed in their hearts so they don’t waste time and energy chasing someone else’s dream.
Pr 4:27
Teach my children to pray heartfelt and continuous prayers and reveal to them the life changing power available to those who live a life pleasing to you… may the resurrected power of Christ dwell in my children so they may become a mighty force for Your kingdom leading Your sheep back home! Jas 5:16-20
When my children feel trapped and alone along the path You set before them, tell them to fear not and stand firm, confident, and undismayed. You promised to fight for them so they will not lose their peace as they rest in the comfort of Your embrace… like a small child in his father’s arms….
To have a profitable business, my children must know that business inside and out. I pray they approach the Word with even more fervor… spending time each day learning from Your wisdom. For just as one must be well versed in his business to stay afloat and prosper, one must be well versed in the…
Reveal Your magnificence to my children … use the mountains, the testing of someone like Nick Vujicic (worth Googling), or the wonder of the tiny snowflake … just help my children view themselves in relation to You so they may remain humble … for only the humble will be lifted up and their lives made…
Fill my children with joy. Teach them to know that true joy comes from thankfulness and displaying gratitude through their actions. Thank You for rescuing them from the kingdom of darkness and placing them in the Kingdom of Your Son! Col 1:11-13
I pray my children view their circumstances with You as the focal point and see that their problems are a platform to display Your power to act on their behalf… may they understand this, stand firm in their faith, and NOT let the enemy get the best of them! Mt 14:24-33 I confess that I…