Friday 10/17/08
Nothing blocks promise like prayers NOT prayed. In order to receive your blessings my children must humble themselves and ask! Jas 4:2
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Nothing blocks promise like prayers NOT prayed. In order to receive your blessings my children must humble themselves and ask! Jas 4:2
Let my children be grateful. Teach them the ‘reinforcement principle’… they get more of what they acknowledge… so that they begin to routinely thank the ones they love for even the smallest favor. They already practice common courtesy when they are in public, thanking coaches, the lunch lady, the checkout clerks… let them bring that…
Give my children the drive to know You intimately, then help them understand it won’t happen overnight. Let my children witness me taking the time and effort to become deeply acquainted with You so that they will have the faith to pursue a relationship with You that is so close that you will walk together…
My children have been given the authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and the physical and mental strength and ability over all the power that the enemy possess so that nothing shall in any way harm them. I pray they take it! Lk 10:19
Lord, I pray my children put all doubts aside regarding the state of their salvation. They have asked You to be their Lord and Savior through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus… and their hearts are being transformed as they work to remove sin from their lives. Once the doubt is gone, they will truly be…
Don’t let my children be discouraged by correction. Remind them that You discipline those You love, and punish those You accept as your children. Heb 12:5-6
Thank You for giving my children one heart and one way. Thank You for Your everlasting covenant with them, that You will not turn away from following them to do them good, and You will not depart from them! Jeremiah 32:38