Wednesday 7/23/2014
Make my children strong … may they NEVER opt for the easy way out and detach from people. Christ gave his life for people … and we were left here on this earth for the purpose of con- necting!
Matthew 24:12, John 17:18
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Make my children strong … may they NEVER opt for the easy way out and detach from people. Christ gave his life for people … and we were left here on this earth for the purpose of con- necting!
Matthew 24:12, John 17:18
May my children submit to Christ, stop fretting about their hurts and challenges and give them to You!!! May they spend time everyday thanking You and seeking You … so that they experience peace like a mighty river rolling through their obedient lives! Isaiah 48:18
Reveal and develop the unique abilities my children possess so that they may understand their life’s assignment, then give them the gusto to take action! Romans 12:6
Place a burning desire in my children’s hearts to read Your Word… for every answer to every problem they are facing today can be found in their Bible. The printed words are like pipes, transporting life giving water into their souls… but they must learn to connect themselves to the source of Your joy, comfort,…
It was never Your intent for us to view our faith as a private personal matter. Engage my children with others to be a vital member of Christ’s body sharing life with other believers. Let them serve together and develop true spiritual friendships. They will not co-exit, but co-labor for your great cause. You designed us…
Reveal to my children their unique gifts. Give them the wisdom and courage to manage them well so that your generosity can flow through them. 1Pt 4:10
Go with my children into the New Year so they will live and not hide. Give them the catalyst to activate their faith… courage. Show them how to tremble their way to confidence, that courage isn’t the absence of fear, but the conquest of it. Dt 31:6