Friday 9/25/2015
May the Lord make my children increase, excel, and overflow in love for one another and for all people … just as I do for them!
1Thessalonians 2:14
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May the Lord make my children increase, excel, and overflow in love for one another and for all people … just as I do for them!
1Thessalonians 2:14
Sometimes when my children are experiencing a season of loss … they forget the good stuff. Their own loss hardens them to the plight of others as well as their own blessings. Their happiness will never come from getting what they want, but only through gratitude for what they already have. Please remind them today…
Show my children specific areas of their lives where they are displeasing You. May they repent, receive forgiveness and then work to remove those behaviors from their lives. In doing so, they will be free to live a life that is full of joy, peace, and much love! 2Ti 3:15-17
Teach my children to be content regardless of circumstances. Once they finally learn to depend on You to fill their needs they will be free. Free from the bad moods of others, the ugly words of others, the gloom others bring into their day … my children were created with a need only You can…
Place a burning desire in my children’s hearts to read Your Word… for every answer to every problem they are facing today can be found in their Bible. The printed words are like pipes, transporting life giving water into their souls… but they must learn to connect themselves to the source of Your joy, comfort,…
Show my children that keeping score is a sign of immaturity. Show them that forgiveness is defined by their actions… and that if they truly forgive someone who offended or hurt them, their actions towards that person will communicate that fact. Rather than withdraw their spirit and retreat into a protective shell around those who…
Keep my children in front of Your mirror, set their gaze on You. As they begin to see their reflection through Your eyes they will see the actions they need to take in order to come in line with who You want them to become. Remind them as often as needed to feel no shame…