Monday 4/23/2018
I pray my children speak with You this morning, saying to You, “All You command us we will do, and wherever You send us we will go.”
Joshua 1:16
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I pray my children speak with You this morning, saying to You, “All You command us we will do, and wherever You send us we will go.”
Joshua 1:16
My children will be strong, courageous, and firm in the face of their enemies; they will fear not nor be in terror before them, for it is you, the Lord our God who goes with them. Thank you for the promise to not fail them or forsake them. Dt 31:6
To live obedient lives… my children are not called to perfection and sinlessness but a lifestyle of confession and repentance when they sin. Rather than living miserably by a set of laws, they must come to see God’s Word as their safe harbor. Obedient lives love and treasure their time reading God’s Word and experiencing…
Fix my thoughts on what is true and humble and right. Let me think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. I will worry about nothing and pray about everything. My children will put into practice all they hear from me and see me doing. Philemon 4:8-9
Give my children a pure heart. Place in them a desire to study your word and identify all sin lurking in the corners if their life. Let them receive your cleansing so their hearts will be free to obey you. (Matt 5:8, Heb. 12:1, John 15:3, Psalm 50:10)
Give my children the wisdom of Joseph to know that God is in control of our lives at all times, even in long times of trouble. May they grow in this time so they will be prepared to accomplish God’s will when the pieces fall into place. And they will! Genesis 45:8
It is only our faith and trust in God that makes us truly successful on earth. My children will remain strong in the Lord for the short time they are here and NOT become enamored by the ways of the world. Joshua 23:13