Friday 11/22/2019
Teach my children to be joyful always, pray continually, and give thanks in circumstances, for this is Your will for them in Jesus Christ!
1Thessalonians 5:16-18
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Teach my children to be joyful always, pray continually, and give thanks in circumstances, for this is Your will for them in Jesus Christ!
1Thessalonians 5:16-18
Pride is the bitter enemy of my children. Humility is their dear friend. May I humble myself before God so that humility will be mine. As my children witness my actions they will see with their physical eyes my transformation as I am given a humble heart. They will witness the blessing of God’s strength…
Give my children the kind of faith that will give them the patience to wait for everything good that they want. Let them delight in and celebrate You so that You will give them the desires of their heart. Psalms 37:4,7
May my children find the blessings in their trials. Often times it takes the presence of a storm to find peace… as they pass through the storm and walk into the eye they find Jesus. I pray my children find Him without the need of a storm… but it that is not the case keep…
Build strong character in my children by giving them a clear sense of purpose. As they mature in character they will crave Your word, then all will be revealed; why we are alive, how life works, what to avoid, and what to expect in the future. My children will build their life on eternal truths,…
Build strong character in my children by teaching them the importance of self discipline. Their greatest victories will be their internal ones. They will set their standards high by following the example of the spiritual strength and character needed to accomplish great things for You. Proverbs 16:32, Matthew 16:24
Let my children live by their spiritual values every day. May these principals be the light that guides them and offer stability and structure to their inner world. When that world is in order, they can navigate their way through anything. Jos 1:7-9