Wednesday 3/03/2010
As my children walk in Your will and obey Your commands, pour out Your spirit upon them and make your words known to them. Thank you for such a life giving promise. Pr 1:23
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As my children walk in Your will and obey Your commands, pour out Your spirit upon them and make your words known to them. Thank you for such a life giving promise. Pr 1:23
Give my children a pure heart. Place in them a desire to study Your word and identify all sin lurking in the corners of their life. Let them receive Your cleansing so their hearts will be free to obey You. Mt 5:8, Heb 12:1, Jn 15:3, Ps 50:10
Help my children grasp that Your promises apply only under covenant relationship. Let them understand that You never break Your promises … but if my children choose to break covenant with You by living in unrepentant disobedience … they have broken the covenant and ultimately their conduit in receiving Your promises. 1 Chronicles 28:9
Make Your way level and straight before my children. They are young and need Your guidance. Send me out before them as a mighty worker removing stones and breaking down obstructions with every prayer I utter and every act of obedience and service to You. Ps. 5:7-8
May my children walk in all that You hold for them. May their lives transform to be a place of refuge and protection from a broken world. The world is broken but my children are NOT because they are the redeemed of the Lord… saved by the one and only source of salvation… Jesus Christ!…
Lord, let me hear the sweet comfort of Your voice. Those moments when my mind becomes sharp, clear, focused and completely consumed by my connection to You. My children will benefit as I carry them along my path, teaching them to walk with You also, and then rejoicing as they recognize Your voice and follow…
Help my children carry the burden of someone else today, taking time to listen to a hurting friend, showing kindness to the lonely, or encouraging the downtrodden with their patience. Galatians 6:2