Wednesday 4/14/2010
My children will set clear objectives. Their focus will reveal the deep wells of energy within them that are just waiting to be tapped. They will achieve great things today and make a difference in our world. Pr 4:25-27
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My children will set clear objectives. Their focus will reveal the deep wells of energy within them that are just waiting to be tapped. They will achieve great things today and make a difference in our world. Pr 4:25-27
Show my children specific areas of their lives where they are displeasing You. May they repent, receive forgiveness and then work to remove those behaviors from their lives. In doing so, they will be free to live a life that is full of joy, peace, and much love! 2Timothy 3:15-17
My children’s life is like a pocket of coins. Rather than polishing the copper coins of their past in hopes of making them more valuable, I pray they will pick up the shiny gold coins of their future and use these God-given strengths to bring value to their lives. 1Timothy 4:14
Help my children see that constantly seeking council from friends is a sign they aren’t hearing and understanding Your voice. Gently correct their sins so that their hearts will be pure and they can receive Your words. Matthew 5:8
My children will pray for those who persecute them. Give them the heart of Christ and let them react to persecution the way the soldier in the story did. When boots were thrown in his face as he knelt in prayer, he did nothing… and the next morning… the boots were polished and returned to…
Please make Your presence know to my children so they may know and experience You joy. Don’t let them depend on our world for happiness for if they do their only joy will come from reaction to circumstances… but You can plaster a smile on their faces that will puzzle even the deepest cynic and…
Stop my children from praying for show! Don’t let them become like the hypocrites who love to stand and pray in the churches and street corners so they can be seen by men… for it they do their reward will come from men and not from You. Mt 6:5