Saturday 9/25/2010
May the Lord make my children increase, excel, and overflow in love for one another and for all people… just as I do for them! 1Th 2:14
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May the Lord make my children increase, excel, and overflow in love for one another and for all people… just as I do for them! 1Th 2:14
Keep my children from jumping to false conclusions. When they see each other seemingly displeasing You, let them take the time to ask for each other’s explanation. Most likely, all is well, as the Israelites discovered of their brethren in the matter of the Lord’s alter near the Jordan. Joshua 22
Today, each of my children will encounter at least one person who is hurting … whether they recognize the pain or not. May my children be the encouragers of this world bringing hope and joy to everyone they meet. When my children are hurting, I pray they realize You haven’t turned your back on them…
At some point we each learn (usually the hard way) that we prosper in direct correlation to the prosperity of our soul. I pray the Holy Spirit becomes so strong in my children and they hear His voice so clearly that their soul becomes strong and Christ like… for when it does, the gates of…
It was never Your intent for us to view our faith as a private personal matter. Engage my children with others to be a vital member of Christ’s body sharing life with other believers. Let them serve together and develop true spiritual friendships. They will not co-exist, but co-labor for your great cause. You designed…
It is only our faith and trust in God that makes us truly successful on earth. My children will remain strong in the Lord for the short time they are here and NOT become enamored by the ways of the world. Joshua 23:13
Teach my children the power of Selah (pause and reflect.) Don’t allow them to race through life without capturing the meaning. When they experience those ‘ah ha’ moments, they will pause, give thanks for Your constant companionship in their lives, and then strive to comprehend that You were there all along. Ps 3:1-8