Tuesday 6/14/2011
When my children experience the majesty and beauty of the natural world… may they remember Christ and know that He is the restorer of their souls. That He is altogether lovely… and their friend! SS 5:16
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When my children experience the majesty and beauty of the natural world… may they remember Christ and know that He is the restorer of their souls. That He is altogether lovely… and their friend! SS 5:16
I pray my children humble themselves and begin to understand their relationship with You. We are Your tools and You are the master craftsman. You give us talents and the will to develop them … You open doors and bring provision … we MUST give all glory to You … or we will fall. Isaiah…
When my children complain they become confused when it backfires! May they learn to simply ask for what they need or want from me instead of assuming, demanding or complaining! Philippians 2:14
I pray my children put all anxiety to rest and learn to pray with grateful hearts making their requests known to You… for You promise Your peace in the hearts and minds of those who begin to trust and rely on Christ Jesus! Php 4:6-7
God, please give my children complete understanding of what You want them to do in their lives, and I ask You to make them wise with spiritual wisdom. Col 1:9
Thank you for purchasing my children’s freedom with the life of Your own Son. You understand our pain because You have already faced our deepest fear and greatest loss- the loss of a child. Let us run to You for comfort when we feel overburdened by our pain. Colossians 1:14
My children will learn to be courageous much like they learned to walk. They will see Your outstretched arms and hear Your loving voice saying, “Come, you can do it!” Make them understand that the assurance of Your voice, Your presence is all they need to tread safely into the unknown. Dt 31:6