Sunday 1/05/2013
Help me take my tired hands and stand firm on my shaky legs. Give me wisdom to mark out a straight path for my feet. Then my children who are following me will not stumble and fall but will become strong. Hebrews 12:12-13
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Help me take my tired hands and stand firm on my shaky legs. Give me wisdom to mark out a straight path for my feet. Then my children who are following me will not stumble and fall but will become strong. Hebrews 12:12-13
Thank You Father for breaking the hold sin had over my children. May they receive this incredible gift by faith, believing that through Christ, they have the power to resist sin. I am so grateful that You have made a way for us to travel from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God…
Lord, I pray my children put all doubts aside regarding the state of their salvation. They have asked You to be their Lord and Savior through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus… and their hearts are being transformed as they work to remove sin from their lives (however slowly… teenagers!) Once the doubt is gone, they…
Give my children spiritual wisdom and understanding so that they will grow in their knowledge of You. Help them see that the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead is available to them. Ephesians 1:17,19-20
Do not allow sin to control the way my children live. Teach them that living without restraint is like removing brakes from a car, while the ride will be exciting, it will end in disaster. Help them see that whatever they choose to obey will become their master, and then give themselves completely to You! Romans 6:12-16
May my children recognize who they are … clay in the Potter’s hand. The pressure, spinning and heat may at times feel ‘too much’ for them as their lives are shaped and formed into vessels God can use to bless … as well as bless others. Isaiah 64:8
As my children walk throughout their day, may the whispers and jeers fade as they are filled with your Sprit. They are Your children; loving, strong, wise and beautiful… do not let the world bring them down and crush them. 1Jn 3:1