Wednesday 6/04/2014
Thank You for making my children free to run, free to dance, free to live for You! May they embrace this amazing gift and make the most of this day … it’s not over yet … the best is yet to come!
John 8:36
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Thank You for making my children free to run, free to dance, free to live for You! May they embrace this amazing gift and make the most of this day … it’s not over yet … the best is yet to come!
John 8:36
Let my children organize their time and follow through with their plans. In doing so, they won’t be consumed by the busyness of life and the frantic “catch-up” which steals their peace. They will then experience a multitude of quiet moments throughout their day. These still quiet moments are the gateway to Your presence and…
Somehow show my children (in a way that makes sense to them) that their job as Your child is to trust You… to be happy today even if they are in pain… For You have deprived it of power to harm them and have conquered it for them! Jn 16:33
Keep my children from jumping to false conclusions. When they see each other seemingly displeasing You, let them take the time to ask for each other’s explanation. Most likely, all is well, as the Israelites discovered of their brethren in the matter of the Lord’s alter near the Jordan. Jos 22
When my children are knowingly or unknowingly walking in sin cause their hearts to soften. May they hear and heed Your messengers rather than mock Your rebukes. Yes, gossip really does sting back and those innocent white lies are still entrances for the enemy. There are natural consequences to sin… may my children repent and…
May the sunrise become sacred to my children as the Glory of God speaks out over all the earth. May they exalt God above the heavens as they are reminded in Technicolor to live this day for You! Ps 57:11
Lord, please reveal to my children the areas of their lives that displease You. Give them a wholesome dread of displeasing You so they will choose obedience. In doing so, they will release the power of Your blessings over their lives. Ps 25:11-14
Please pray for my children, Lori Luna and Anthony Luna, to be born again and have a relationship with Jesus. Also for my husband, Oscar Calamaco, to be closer to God and to be the spiritual leader you intended him to be.