Thursday 2/12/2015
Don’t let my children close their eyes to Your goodness because of any hurt they are nursing. Help them hold on to what is good and keep them away from every kind of evil.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-22
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Don’t let my children close their eyes to Your goodness because of any hurt they are nursing. Help them hold on to what is good and keep them away from every kind of evil.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-22
Gift my children with your Holy Spirit, giving them vision, inspiring them with creative ideas, introducing them to the right people, and empowering them to do the job. Fill them completely with faith and the love of Jesus Christ. Have mercy on them because of their sin and use them as examples to other sinners…
You reveal things to my children they can neither prove nor explain. May they stop living beneath their spiritual privilege and LISTEN to the promptings warning them to avoid certain situations or certain people… I pray they stay connected to You so this incredible insight into discernment may always be present in their lives. 1Jn…
Let my children savor the fruits of their own industry. Give them a spirit of independence so they taste the exquisite reward of freedom… then let them readily share the overflowing abundance of their hearts and their treasure… for when they truly love others my children will begin to see God’s hand working in this…
Teach my children to put all anxiety to rest and learn to pray the life changing power available to those who live a life pleasing to you … may the resurrected power of Christ dwell in my children so they may become a mighty force for Your kingdom leading Your sheep back home! James 5:16-20
My children already possess everything they, need to accomplish what they were sent to do. I pray they open their eyes and their hearts to the will of God and learn their mission… for they are equipped with the perfect tools to arrive at their destination… not anyone else’s. 1Pe 1:3-4
May my children see me honoring God with the first of my increase so they understand and therefore chose to live by the spiritual principal of receiving the blessings of God. May God’s blessing rest of the homes of my grown children! Ezekiel 44:30