Sunday 4/12/2015
When my children complain they become confused when it backfires! May they learn to simply ask for what they need or want from me instead of assuming, demanding or complaining!
Philippians 2:14
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When my children complain they become confused when it backfires! May they learn to simply ask for what they need or want from me instead of assuming, demanding or complaining!
Philippians 2:14
Focus my children on solutions… not problems. Let them tackle their day with a happy heart, confidently knowing that You are in control. They will spend at least a few minutes getting the word of God in them either through song, a teacher, nature, or my voice! I believe that their life, health, love and…
I dedicate my house to the Lord my God as a living sacrifice in serving Him. I will stay true to the teachings of Jesus Christ and instruct my children with wisdom from God, not the natural world. As we serve You, pour out Your power over all our lives and save us from our…
You reveal things to my children they can neither prove nor explain. May they stop living beneath their spiritual privilege and LISTEN to the promptings warning them to avoid certain situations or certain people… I pray they stay connected to You so this incredible insight into discernment may always be present in their lives. 1Jn…
If my children were a car joy would be their fuel and You would be the filling station. May my children recognize and receive once and for all the profound and life changing truth … fill up each day on Your Word … and have the power to pull off the purpose You have placed…
Let my children rejoice in triumph of their everyday battles and not become weary… it is a sign that God is preparing them for greater battles that will not only result in rich blessing for their own lives but eventually advance the Kingdom of Heaven. 1Sa 17:37
I pray my children’s lives become a conduit to bring your love and purpose to fruition in the lives of those around them. Give me the wisdom to cleverly get your Word into them until the day they begin to crave time alone with you… and that time will come! Isa 55:10-11