Thursday 11/26/2015
Help my children understand that it is impossible to go through life without problems. Keep them calm and courageous so they will see that the storms don’t control their destiny, You do.
Philippians 1:29, Mark 6:50, Acts 27:25
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Help my children understand that it is impossible to go through life without problems. Keep them calm and courageous so they will see that the storms don’t control their destiny, You do.
Philippians 1:29, Mark 6:50, Acts 27:25
My children’s life is like a pocket of coins. Rather than polishing the copper coins of their past in hopes of making them more valuable, I pray they will pick up the shiny gold coins of their future and use these God-given strengths to bring value to their lives. 1Ti 4:14
You purposely created my children with a need that only You can meet. When they come to depend on other sources to fill that need they are guilty of idolatry. May they recognize what they are doing, stop, and learn to enjoy the fullness of a daily relationship with You. 2Pe 3:9, Isa 55:6
May my children recognize who they are … clay in the Potter’s hand. The pressure, spinning and heat may at times feel ‘too much’ for them as their lives are shaped and formed into vessels God can use to bless … as well as bless others. Isaiah 64:8
I pray my children know You through Jesus… for He is the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to You but through Jesus! May they humble themselves and finally accept that they can NOT earn Your love, forgiveness, devotion, or salvation! Jn 14:6
Show my children that keeping score is a sign of immaturity. Show them that forgiveness is defined by their actions… and that if they truly forgive someone who has offended or hurt them… their actions towards that person will communicate that fact. Rather than withdraw their spirit and retreat into a protective shell around those…
Teach my children that Christ has redeemed them from every curse of the law, including sickness and disease … that Jesus bore their sickness for them not with them. Reveal to my children the ways in which the enemy is blocking the manifestation of their healing so they can act to unlock Your promises into…