Saturday 6/18/2016
Thank You for allowing winds to come against my children. For it is in weathering their storms that they develop the strength and character necessary to succeed throughout their lives.
James 1:2-4
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Thank You for allowing winds to come against my children. For it is in weathering their storms that they develop the strength and character necessary to succeed throughout their lives.
James 1:2-4
Let my children organize their time and follow through with their plans. In doing so, they won’t be consumed by the busyness of life and the frantic “catch-up” which steals their peace. They will then experience a multitude of quiet moments throughout their day. These still quiet moments are the gateway to Your presence and…
Give my children a heart of wisdom. Help them understand the importance of developing their gifts and using their passions to make the world a better place … give them the insight to put it all together and accept beyond doubt that they are here to introduce You to others … not save others ……
One Happy Meal will not satisfy my children for the rest for the day … we are lucky if the effect lasts until we get to the car. And so it is with peace and prosperity! My children cannot obey You once and expect the results to sustain and satisfy them forever … obedience to…
My children will not become dependent on earthly vices. They will see me live by every word and expression of God and know You are the path to a satisfactory life … not donuts or Red Bull. Luke 4:4
Make Your way level and straight before my children. They are young and need Your guidance. Send me out before them as a mighty worker removing stones and breaking down obstructions with every prayer I utter and every act of obedience and service to You. Ps. 5:7-8
My children will be more influenced by the future than the past. What they commit themselves to will determine who they are today and who they will become. Php 3:13