Friday 6/17/2016
Endurance simply means outlasting the problem. Help my children endure the hardship they are facing today. Place warriors alongside them that don’t quit so my children will know the hope and joy endurance brings.
Hebrews 10:36
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Endurance simply means outlasting the problem. Help my children endure the hardship they are facing today. Place warriors alongside them that don’t quit so my children will know the hope and joy endurance brings.
Hebrews 10:36
Speak tenderly to my children after You chastise them so they will be more open to receive Your forgiveness and subsequently obey Your voice. Give me a tender spirit also, so my discipline will be an earthly example of the freedom that follows repentance and results in obedience. Isa 40:1-2
Let my children run in stride with those who (like them) are committed to lives of purity. Let them draw on examples of commitment to the Lord, like Eric Lidell (Chariots of Fire) and my life as encouragement to pursue their faith and finish their race. 2Ti 2:22
My children are only accountable for what You give them. Do not let them become bogged down comparing their lives to others. You have planted very specific purposes in their hearts and given them the resources necessary to accomplish them. Let my children rejoice when others bear fruit and let my children be satisfied with…
May my children look to God alone for direction and not become dependent on the world to define who they will become. 1Samuel 8:19-20
May the sunrise become sacred to my children as the Glory of God speaks out over all the earth. May they exalt God above the heavens as they are reminded in Technicolor to live this day for You! Ps 57:11
Let my children organize their time and follow through with their plans. In doing so, they won’t be consumed by the busyness of life and the frantic “catch-up” which steals their peace. They will then experience a multitude of quiet moments throughout their day. These still quiet moments are the gateway to Your presence and…