Saturday 10/22/2016
Build in my children a faithful heart … for their prayers to be answered my children must ask in faith without any doubting … for if they doubt they ought not to expect to receive anything from You!
John 1:6-8
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Build in my children a faithful heart … for their prayers to be answered my children must ask in faith without any doubting … for if they doubt they ought not to expect to receive anything from You!
John 1:6-8
We offer You our hearts, dedicated and fully immersed in a lifestyle of continual worship. Let my children release their gifts, talents, and abilities to You so they may hear what kind of sacrifice You want from them. With a pure heart they will serve You first so the purpose of their lives will be…
Help my children grasp that Your promises apply only under covenant relationship. Let them understand that You never break Your promises… but if my children choose to break covenant with You by living in unrepentant disobedience… they have broken the covenant and ultimately their conduit in receiving Your promises. 1 Ch 28:9
As we walk through trials, our one mission is learning to rely on and trust God. Thank You for promising restoration and blessing as we practice our faith in the face of adversity. Deuteronomy 30:2-3
The next time my children are offered an invitation to a pity party, their own or to that of a friend, I pray they turn it down. Let them become so filled with gratitude for all the good in their lives and may their eyesight become so sharp that they are able to point out…
Help me take my tired hands and stand firm on my shaky legs. Give me wisdom to mark out a straight path for my feet. Then my children who are following me will not stumble and fall but will become strong. Heb 12:12-13
Show my children that keeping score is a sign of immaturity. Show them that forgiveness is defined by their actions… and that if they truly forgive someone who has offended or hurt them… their actions towards that person will communicate that fact. Rather than withdraw their spirit and retreat into a protective shell around those…