Saturday 3/04/2017
Equip my children with all they need for doing Your will. Produce in them, through the power of Jesus Christ all that is pleasing to You.
Hebrews 13:20
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Equip my children with all they need for doing Your will. Produce in them, through the power of Jesus Christ all that is pleasing to You.
Hebrews 13:20
The next time my children are offered an invitation to a pity party, their own or to that of a friend, I pray they turn it down. Let them become so filled with gratitude for all the good in their lives and may their eyesight become so sharp that they are able to point out…
Reveal to my children Your role as Father. Use me as an example. Let them experience the snapshot of peace that comes from asking and receiving from me so they will have the confidence and motivation to tell You what they need and thank You for all You have done. Then they will experience Your…
Keep my children from believing the lie that the thing they desire most will bring them the happiness they so desperately crave (be it a relationship, their health, a certain possession, financial security, etc …). Teach my children that true happiness comes when they trust You for what they need, knowing if it’s right You’ll…
Teach my children to put all anxiety to rest and learn to pray the life changing power available to those who live a life pleasing to you… may the resurrected power of Christ dwell in my children so they may become a mighty force for Your kingdom leading Your sheep back home! Jas 5:16-20
Gift my children with your Holy Spirit, giving them vision, inspiring them with creative ideas, introducing them to the right people, and empowering them to do the job. Fill them completely with faith and the love of Jesus Christ. Have mercy on them because of their sin and use them as examples to other sinners…
Left alone my children are vulnerable and incomplete. Surround them with Christians of all ages who continually motivate them to love Christ better and better. Create among them a spirit of Christian community where it isn’t odd or weird for them to reach out to each other for prayer or spiritual based encouragement. 3Jn 1:1-2