Monday 9/10/2018
May my children add You to their speed dial … calling on You first when they have a problem. Their faith grows as they stand firm and believe You can bring comfort and victory to their lives.
2Chronicles 20:17
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May my children add You to their speed dial … calling on You first when they have a problem. Their faith grows as they stand firm and believe You can bring comfort and victory to their lives.
2Chronicles 20:17
Speak tenderly to my children after You chastise them so they will be more open to receive Your forgiveness and subsequently obey Your voice. Give me a tender spirit also so my discipline will be an earthly example of the freedom that follows repentance and results in obedience. Isa 40:1-2
My children will merrily traverse the path you have laid before them and never give up, even during trials. You will send wise travel companions to accompany them when needed, equip them with everything they need to persevere, and send encouraging supporters when they must walk alone. They are blessed. Jas 1:12
Don’t let any unwholesome talk come out of my mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up. My children will know my criticism is for their benefit and not feel the sting but only the comfort of my hand leading them in the way of God. Eph 4:29
My children will be the salt of this earth, daily preserving the attributes of Christ within them so they may bring forth Your love to a hurting world. Lev 2:13, Mk 9:50
Let my children experience the exquisite peace and contentment that You have given to me. Then they will crave more and seek opportunities for righteous living … for Your confidential communion and secret counsel are only with those who are upright and in right standing with You. Proverbs 3:32
As we remember the historical winds of terror brought upon our nation by enemies, let those memories serve to remind us that we are ONE nation under God. That united as one body, each taking our place to serve the needs of our fellow Americans… as well as future generations… that the enemy will fall…