Saturday 10/17/2020
Nothing blocks promise like prayers NOT prayed. In order to receive Your blessings my children must humble themselves and ask!
Jas 4:2
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Nothing blocks promise like prayers NOT prayed. In order to receive Your blessings my children must humble themselves and ask!
Jas 4:2
As my children mature, focus their energies on forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. They are citizens of heaven, straining to reach the end of the race and make it back to You. Philippians 3:13, 20
Give my children a tender heart… may they feel Your pain in the presence of friends who have closed their ears to Your Word and chosen not to receive or obey Your promptings. May these experiences cause them to renew their faith in Your way. And I ask You to help my children understand that…
When my children experience the majesty and beauty of the natural world, may they remember Christ and know that He is the restorer of their souls … that He is altogether lovely … and their friend! Song of Songs 5:16
Somehow show my children (in a way that makes sense to them) that their job as Your child is to trust You… to be happy today even if they are in pain… For You have deprived it of power to harm them and have conquered it for them! Jn 16:33
Reveal Your magnificence to my children… use the mountains, the testing of someone like Nick Vujicic (worth googling), or the wonder of the tiny snowflake… just help my children view themselves in relation to You so they may remain humble… for only the humble will be lifted up and their lives made significant! Jas 4:10,…
May my children grow in the footsteps of Christ and become strong in spirit, filled with wisdom and may the grace of God be upon them. Luke 2:40