Thursday 3/04/2021
Equip my children with all they need for doing Your will. Produce in them, through the power of Jesus Christ all that is pleasing to You.
Heb 13:20
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Equip my children with all they need for doing Your will. Produce in them, through the power of Jesus Christ all that is pleasing to You.
Heb 13:20
Give my children the wisdom necessary to understand the magnitude of Christ’s sacrifice. You teach us that sin has earthly consequences and You also teach us how to avoid the eternal consequences of our sin. Open my children’s hearts and make them tender… may they feel the pain of their own sin so that they…
Stop my children from praying for show! Don’t let them become like the hypocrites who love to stand and pray in the churches and street corners so they can be seen by men… for if they do their reward will come from men and not from You. Mt 6:5
My children’s present struggle may be over what You want to do through them! When the world is saying no but something deep within my children stands firm, let them see that this is You … and if they walk it out … my children will achieve their God given destiny. John 7:38, Philippians 2:13
Give my children a humble spirit that they may come before You and ask You to help their weakness of faith … so that You can begin transforming their heart and teaching them that all things are possible to those that believe. Mark 9:23-24
My children can’t prosper if they are hanging around fools. Help them discern and choose wholesome minded companions. Thank you for giving them a loving heart and I ask that you guard that heart from joining to the foolish in close companionship (but still love them) … and keep them from judging others … thank…
Faith is a force that can change things in my children’s lives. I pray that their dreams and plans are in line with Your will. I pray that my children BELIEVE that what they ask WILL take place… and most of all I pray their faith grows so that You become the most powerful force…