Friday 1/19/2024
Your word teaches us that if anyone will not work, neither let them eat. As my children mature, help me identify appropriate ways to hold them accountable for idleness and not taking care of their business!
1Th 3:11-12
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Your word teaches us that if anyone will not work, neither let them eat. As my children mature, help me identify appropriate ways to hold them accountable for idleness and not taking care of their business!
1Th 3:11-12
It is only our faith and trust in God that makes us truly successful on earth. My children will remain strong in the Lord for the short time they are here and NOT become enamored by the ways of the world. Joshua 23:13
Let my children be grateful. Teach them the ‘reinforcement principle’… they get more of what they acknowledge… so that they begin to routinely thank the ones they love for even the smallest favor. They already practice common courtesy when they are in public, thanking coaches, the lunch lady, the checkout clerks… let them bring that…
May my children STOP trying to humanize God. Yes, He loves those we perceive as bad… as much as those we perceive as good. We tend to love people based on their actions… God loves them based on who He is! Ps 107:15-20
Faith is a force that can change things in my children’s lives. I pray that their dreams and plans are in line with Your will. I pray that my children BELIEVE that what they ask WILL take place… and most of all I pray their faith grows so that You become the most powerful force…
We are created to believe the best in every person. My children do, but they forget the most important part… ALL the time! Especially when someone is annoying them, may my children STOP and focus on the positive attributes… I am not that bad!!! 1 Cor 13:7
Praying repetitive empty words blocks my children’s prayers from reaching You. May they talk to You from their hearts! Mt 6:7-8