Thursday 4/09/2020
My children will smile today when they think of You. They will spontaneously do something nice for someone else as they are reminded of how much You have already done for them.
John 4:23
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My children will smile today when they think of You. They will spontaneously do something nice for someone else as they are reminded of how much You have already done for them.
John 4:23
Give my children the best view of reality so they may have the clearest priorities. They will understand You are worthy and order their existence around You. Teach me to do the same! Rev 8:6-11,19
Let my children see that FEAR is a tool of the enemy! May they make a conscious effort to eliminate ungodly fear from their lives. They natural outcome of fear is a propensity to sin… and when that happens… they enemy gets another point! Ne 6:13
Help my children see that constantly seeking council from friends is a sign they aren’t hearing and understanding Your voice. Gently correct their sins so that their hearts will be pure and they can receive Your words. Matthew 5:8
My children will be the salt of this earth, daily preserving the attribute of Christ within them so they may bring forth Your love to a hurting world. Leviticus 2:13, Mark 9:50
May my children feel secure enough to approach You honestly with the secret struggles of their mind… for You promise to keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in You ! Isa 26:3
May my children STOP trying to humanize God. Yes, He loves those we perceive as bad… as much as those we perceive as good. We tend to love people based on their actions… God loves them based on who He is! Ps 107:15-20