Tuesday 9/29/2020
May my children dwell in love, to live it and walk it out, and not just love for You but love in action for those around them. For in doing so they place themselves in Your shelter and can weather any storm.
Ps 91:1
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May my children dwell in love, to live it and walk it out, and not just love for You but love in action for those around them. For in doing so they place themselves in Your shelter and can weather any storm.
Ps 91:1
Teach my children not to condemn other Christians. Help them understand that we are each accountable to God. Let their minds be free of this clutter so they may focus on serving You. Ro 14:10
Keep my children away from complaining and arguing. Help them live clean, innocent lives as children of God in a dark world full of crooked and perverse people. Php 2:14-15
My children will follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit within them and stay away from sin. The act is arbitrary. That is why God says that breaking one law or commandment is as detrimental as breaking them all! The fact that we reject His authority is all that matters, on a large or small…
Bless my children with the kind of faith that empowers them to receive what they ask for in prayer. Prompt them to forgive all grudges they are holding against others. In doing so, they are equipped to embrace your promise that whatever they ask for in prayer, if they believe that they have received it,…
I trust Christ to save me. Use my life to teach my children that God’s way of making us right with Himself depends on faith, not their own goodness. Let them experience the mighty power that raised Christ from the dead. Philippians 3:9-10
May my children choose to love You. Talk is cheap … their actions prove to You who they serve! You have given each of them the gift of Your voice, the constant presence of Knowledge available to them. I pray with all my heart they learn to LISTEN to You (that still, small voice in their minds!) I pray…