Monday 3/04/2013
Equip my children with all they need for doing Your will. Produce in them, through the power of Jesus Christ all that is pleasing to You. Heb 13:20
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Equip my children with all they need for doing Your will. Produce in them, through the power of Jesus Christ all that is pleasing to You. Heb 13:20
Everyone has problems. Help my children see theirs differently and know that a problem is a sign they have a promise! As they suffer temporary situations or the actions of others they will learn to trust that You are steadfast and Your plan is to bless them… that as they suffer trials… if they persevere……
Help my children to listen to Your word and obey it. They will show others the goodness of God for You called them out of the darkness and into your wonderful light. 1Pe 2:8-9
Make my children strong … may they NEVER opt for the easy way out and detach from people. Christ gave his life for people … and we were left here on this earth for the purpose of connecting! Matthew 24:12, John 17:18
My children’s present struggle may be over what You want to do through them! When the world is saying no but something deep within my children stands firm, let them see that this is You… and if they walk it out… my children will achieve their God given destiny. Jn 7:38, Php 2:13
When my children find themselves obsessing over things in their life rather than making the most out of each moment, may they STOP and know they are displeasing You… and pray for redirection! 2 Ti 2:16
You planted my children in the garden of their lives. Show them their role in tending that garden … that everything they need is there, but they must work it and take care of it to produce fruit. You give my children all the resources, but they must do their part! Genesis 2:8, 2:15