Monday 12/16/2019
Reveal to my children their unique gifts. Give them the wisdom and courage to manage them well so that Your generosity can flow through them.
1Peter 4:10
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Reveal to my children their unique gifts. Give them the wisdom and courage to manage them well so that Your generosity can flow through them.
1Peter 4:10
Thank You for giving my children Your Word and giving me the insight to release its power into their lives. May they exercise the power of the Word in their own lives by learning to adhere to, trust in, and rely on it! 1 Th 2:13
Thank You for making my children free to run, free to dance, free to live for You! May they embrace this amazing gift and make the most of this day … it’s not over yet … the best is yet to come! John 8:36
When someone exits my children’s life… that doesn’t mean they are being abandoned… it just means that part of their story is over. May they continue to embrace those that cross their paths then joyfully send them off at parting time. Ruth 1:14-16, 2Sa 12:20 I confess I have a renewed mind. I possess knowledge…
Teach my children the power of Selah (pause and reflect.) Don’t allow them to race through life without capturing the meaning. When they experience those ‘ah ha’ moments, they will pause, give thanks for Your constant companionship in their lives, and then strive to comprehend that You were there all along. Ps 3:1-8
It is only our faith and trust in God that makes us truly successful on earth. My children will remain strong in the Lord for the short time they are here and NOT become enamored by the ways of the world. Jos 23:13
Strengthen my children, encourage their faith, and keep them from being disturbed by the troubles they go through. 1Thessalonians 3:2-3