Tuesday 9/03/2012
May my children hear the whisper moving them to serve others. Their physical eyes hinder their God given sight… let them see past the physical imperfections of others and see what God sees! 1Jn 2:20, Jn 16:14
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May my children hear the whisper moving them to serve others. Their physical eyes hinder their God given sight… let them see past the physical imperfections of others and see what God sees! 1Jn 2:20, Jn 16:14
Making God the ultimate authority in every decision my children make is the key to unlocking the door that releases peace into their lives. As Christians, the peace is always available to them (as is the love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control) but they MUST choose Your will (they know the sound…
Give my children a heart of wisdom. Help them understand the importance of developing their gifts and using their passions to make the world a better place … give them the insight to put it all together and accept beyond doubt that they are here to introduce You to others … not save others ……
I dedicate my house to the Lord my God as a living sacrifice in serving Him. I will stay true to the teachings of Jesus Christ and instruct my children with wisdom from God, not the natural world. As we serve You, pour out Your power over all our lives and save us from our…
Today, each of my children will encounter at least one person who is hurting… whether they recognize the pain or not. May my children be the encouragers of this world bringing hope and joy to everyone they meet. When my children are hurting, I pray they realize You haven’t turned your back on them… for…
May the sunrise become sacred to my children as the Glory of God speaks out over all the earth. May they exalt God above the heavens as they are reminded in Technicolor to live this day for You! Ps 57:11
Thank You Lord for loving my children enough to make them miserable in their rebellion… for allowing darkness to follow rebellion… for sometimes we need darkness before we can see the tiny portal of light leading to freedom. Thank You for satisfying my children’s longings and filling their hungry souls… I respect and appreciate any…