Friday 10/12/2018
May my children be anchored in Your ways so they don’t drift away when circumstances begin to change. Yes, problems will come but give them the wisdom to only glance their way rather than obsessing over them!
James 1:6-8
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May my children be anchored in Your ways so they don’t drift away when circumstances begin to change. Yes, problems will come but give them the wisdom to only glance their way rather than obsessing over them!
James 1:6-8
My children will not receive the fruit of Your promise if they ask with wrong motives. I wouldn’t give a beggar provisions to buy beer and neither will God bless my children if they are solely motivated by their own selfish pleasures. Jas 4:3
Help my children understand that they will need people to help fulfill Your purpose for their life and get them where they need to go next. Let them see me humble myself to others as well as honor those God has placed I my life. Romans 16:3
I pray my children will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I confidently trust.” When they do, then He will cover them with His pinions, and under His wings they will find trust and refuge; His truth and His…
Faith is a force that can change things in my children’s lives. I pray that their dreams and plans are in line with Your will. I pray that my children BELIEVE that what they ask WILL take place … and most of all I pray their faith grows so that You become the most powerful…
Help my children grasp that Your promises apply only under covenant relationship. Let them understand that You never break Your promises… but if my children choose to break covenant with You by living in unrepentant disobedience… they have broken the covenant and ultimately their conduit in receiving Your promises. 1 Ch 28:9
May my children submit to Christ, stop fretting about their hurts and challenges and give them to You!!! May they spend time everyday thanking You and seeking You… so that they experience peace like a mighty river rolling through their obedient lives! Isa 48:18