Thursday 3/25/2021
My children will not become dependent on earthly vices. They will see me live by every word and expression of God and know You are the path to a satisfactory life… not donuts or Red Bull.
Lk 4:4
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My children will not become dependent on earthly vices. They will see me live by every word and expression of God and know You are the path to a satisfactory life… not donuts or Red Bull.
Lk 4:4
Give my children the wisdom necessary to understand the magnitude of Christ’s sacrifice. You teach us that sin has earthly consequences and You also teach us how to avoid the eternal consequences of our sin. Open my children’s hearts and make them tender… may they feel the pain of their own sin so that they…
I pray my children speak with You this morning, saying to You, “All You command us we will do, and wherever You send us we will go.” Joshua 1:16
Celebrate with me as my children skid into bed each night … exhausted, scrapped up, used up and out of gas … fill them up so they can work for You tomorrow as triumphantly as they did today! I will rejoice as my children live fully until the day You call them home. Isaiah 40:29,…
Lord, please reveal to my children the areas of their lives that displease You. Give them a wholesome dread of displeasing You so they will choose obedience. In doing so, they will release the power of Your blessings over their lives. Psalms 25:11-14
Today, each of my children will encounter at least one person who is hurting… whether they recognize the pain or not. May my children be the encouragers of this world bringing hope and joy to everyone they meet. When my children are hurting, I pray they realize You haven’t turned your back on them… for…
When my children recognize they are worrying about something, prompt them to repent then turn to You in gratitude for what they already have… and prayer to strengthen and prepare them for the task at hand. Php 4:6