Saturday 9/10/2022
May my children add You to their speed dial… calling on You first when they have a problem. Their faith grows as they stand firm and believe You can bring comfort and victory to their lives.
2Ch 20:17
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May my children add You to their speed dial… calling on You first when they have a problem. Their faith grows as they stand firm and believe You can bring comfort and victory to their lives.
2Ch 20:17
When my children choose to live by Your Spirit, give them a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time so they don’t get discouraged and give up. Show them opportunities to do good so they may please You. Gal 6:8-10
May my children’s ears be opened to the voice of reason. God will send wisdom through others, especially in the area of vengeance… and if my children withstand the urge to repay evil for evil… God will fight their battles and my children will see victory! 1Sa 25
Keep my children in front of Your mirror, set their gaze on You. As they begin to see their reflection through Your eyes they will see the actions they need to take in order to come in line with who You want them to become. Remind them as often as needed to feel no shame…
Teach my children the power of prayer. Show them that you rescue others because of our prayers and that many will give thanks to God when those prayers we have been diligently praying for them are answered. 2Co 1:11
Lord, please reveal to my children the areas of their lives that displease You. Give them a wholesome dread of displeasing You so they will choose obedience. In doing so, they will release the power of Your blessings over their lives. Psalms 25:11-14
Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in my children’s hearts and make them wise. They will use His words to teach and council each other and sing to God with thankful hearts. Col 3:16